Monday, May 11, 2009

Final post!

Hey guys!!! i know the title says final post, but i really hope this is not the last one. i would like to invite you to keep posting just to keep us in touch. i know some of you are staying here in boston, but i'm going back to colombia and this is a good way to know what is happening with you if you don't mind.
About the last presentations, i think they were just great. i really loved it!!! not only because all the videos were very creative but also because we all showed improve in our presentation skills, congratulations to all of you!!!!!!

Dressing up as the opposite gender!

The decision of have someone in the group dress up as a character of the opposite gender was an easy one. I think even before we talked about it, we knew someone had to do it because of the movie we chose. This fact didn’t make me think about gender role in a way different from the one I already had, but make me think about the impact of the movie in that time. What did people think about the end of the movie? Was it possible for them to imagine an end as the one my group imagined?

A streetcar named desire!

I think “A streetcar named desire” is a good movie. I think it’s a good story and the actors did a great job in each role. The character I liked the most was Stella. I think I kind of admire her because she had to deal with both Stanley and Blanche, although at the end she didn’t take the right decision in my opinion, but we have to understand that at that time it wasn’t easy for women to take that kind of decisions. If it´s difficult now for some women to take the decision of leaving their husbands when they are being abuse, can you imagine how it was at that time? On the other hand the character that I didn’t like was obviously Stanley, even when I think Marlon Brando did a great job in this role. He made it so real that you really feel you hate Stanley.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We all know that movies are a form of entertainment, but maybe not everybody think that movies are a form of art. In my opinion movies are definitely a form of art. We have been talking in class about art, and something in what we all agree is that with art people express feelings. For me movies are a form of art because through them people expresses and provokes feelings.
I like almost all kind of movies. The only kind of movies I don’t like is horror movies. I think the reason because I don’t like them is because when I watch a movie I’m looking for something not only entertaining but also beautiful, and horror movies aren’t. Horror movies are horrible!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sally Mann's Photography

I really liked Mann’s photography about her family. I think they are very natural. Her intention wasn’t provoke a polemic. As she said in the video we saw last class the most of the time children were there and she just took pictures of them. I think the polemic is because sometimes people gave things meanings things don’t have. But that’s one of the consequences of being an artist. I don’t think that in this specific case Mann deliberately provoke the controversy but I know that sometimes artists do that. In my opinion one of the objectives of an artist is stimulate our imagination but our imagination sometimes can go so far.


Now we have finished the presentation process about music I can say the process was very enriching for all of us. I think we all learned a lot of new things about music through this process.
About the presentations, I consider all the groups did a really good job with theirs. I really think the presentation wasn’t difficult and we had enough time to prepare it.
Finally, if I could ask my artist one question I definitely would ask Bill Haley, who is the author of the song my group chose, why he wrote a song about how much he misses the Mississippi If he isn’t from there? We really tried to find the origin of the song but we couldn´t find it:(.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Madonna: How do i see her and the history and culture of the 60's and 70's in her music.

I think in some points she is a revel, because in her songs she speaks about some topics that were taboo in that time. But on the other hand I think Madonna is following the culture. The 60’s and 70’s are known for all the changes that occurred there. I think that all that changes had a huge influence in Madonna and we can see the reflex of those changes in Madonna’s music.