Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Blues

I think the Blues are a response to the historical moment where it was born. The lyrics and the music can tell us sad stories that make us feel bad or fun stories that make us feel better. For this reason I think that there is two types of Blues songs, the first one was made to tell people what was happening on that time so people never forget what happened, and the other one was made to give a little happiness to the people that were having a bad moment on that time and to the people that could have a bad moment now.


  1. Hi Uchy,

    Great observation! I like how you are thinking about the overlapping functions of blues songs--one to remember and one to forget, or one to remember and one to provide hope, etc. However you put it, it's clear that despite their origins, blues songs are doing more than only preserving history or recording protest, although those are certainly part of it, too.


  2. Hi Uchy,

    I think they always express their idea by creating and singing blues.Therefore, the lyrics are usually some stories in their life. They tried to release their unhappy things from those songs.

  3. Hi Uchy,

    We have a room change for Monday. We'll be in M-1-617. PLease let your classmates know, as I have misplaced my email list.

